Inside a giant sphere, the engineers pored over their equipment. Before them stood a silvery metal contraption swathed in colourful wires – a box that they hope will one day make oxygen on the moon.
Last year, the team made headlines when it published a paper describing how metal lumps at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean seemed to produce oxygen without sunlight ...
Scientists think a small rock discovered near Earth last August was hurled into space by an ancient impact on the lunar surface.
Genesis 2 tells us the story of Adam, Eden and the creation of Eve — a narrative brought to life in Jan Brueghel’s vivid landscape.
Continent-size islands deep inside Earth's mantle could be more than a billion years old, a new study finds.
G3 (ATLAS) showed off its spectacular tail plumage to NASA spacecraft when it flew close to the sun this month.
One Alabama woman was rudely awoken from a nap in 1954 when a meteorite came through her roof and hit her, leaving a big ...
G3 has mesmerized astronomers and amateur skygazers for months as the world tried to spot the bright comet in the sky nearing its fatal encounter with the Sun.
After analyzing "super-continent" structures deep inside the Earth, scientists believe they could be up to billions of years old.
A day before sharing the clip, Firefly said that the lander had travelled more than 3,54,000 km and sent 1.4 GB of data. Blue ...
Galaxy NGC 4535 is truly a stunning sight and is located in the constellation of Virgo, around 50 million light-years from ...
V, the playwright formerly Eve Ensler, is hoping her new piece of theater can do for climate change what her “The Vagina ...