An exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system that usually orbits a star in our galaxy. More than 7,000 have been found ...
But according to an international team of researchers, including some from the University of Geneva, in a study published ...
A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star's habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away.
Scientists found an intriguing world in our galaxy.
Scientists have discovered a so-called “super-Earth” planet, potentially capable of supporting life, orbiting a sun -like ...
Found by Dr Michael Cretignier of the University of Oxford, the planet has a mass six times greater than Earth's and orbits ...
UK researchers have confirmed the existence of a “super Earth” located 20 light-years away that could reveal the existence of ...
The exoplanet, which has been named HD 20794 d, orbits in the ‘habitable zone’ of a nearby star similar to our sun.
The exciting discovery just 20 light-years away from Earth could play a 'pivotal role' in the search for life on other ...
Scientists have confirmed the discovery of a new planet which is six times as large as the Earth and could host alien life.
Scientists have discovered a ‘super-Earth’ planet six times larger than our own which may have conditions suitable for life.