You can’t pretend the pink pachyderm isn’t staring you in the face on Saturday. But if you must draw attention to it, at least soften the hard edges of your truth with graceful diplomacy. A ...
Leave whitespace in your calendar for spontaneous socializing on Saturday. With amiable Venus and laid-back Neptune aligning in your squad sector, going with the flow will be more fun than ...
Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself apologizing on Saturday when you almost graze shoulders with someone on the sidewalk or have to turn down a request for a big, time-consuming favor. With ...
Deep breaths, Scorpio. Your feelings could be even stronger than usual on Saturday. As desirous Venus and limitless Neptune convene in your heartfelt fifth house, you want what you want SO much ...
You’d like to look the other way and let someone’s bad behavior slide on Saturday when agreeable Venus and compassionate Neptune coalesce in your twelfth house of surrender and forgiveness ...
Are you sensing sparks with someone? Take a beat before you make your move. The Pisces moon is electrifying your erotic eighth house today, but its tangled angle with overboard Jupiter could cause ...
No matter who your audience is on Saturday, you can get through to them, thanks to a creative, compassionate mashup of charming Venus and free-flowing Neptune in your communication camp. If you ...
Try not to be intimidated by another person’s prestige on Saturday. A magnetic Venus-Neptune summit in your status-conscious tenth house could mean someone’s flaunting their elite status to ...
You’re the breakout star of February, as the Sun shines in your fifth house of fame, fashion and fearless flamboyance until the 18th. Forge ahead with a passion project. Pursue a love interest ...
You’re off to the races this February, Gemini! The Aquarius Sun illuminates your ninth house of adventure and higher learning until the 18th, making the world feel like your oyster. But that’s ...
There was a time, and it wasn’t a short period of time at all, when figure skating was one of the most popular televised sports in the nation, and Dick Button was the most famous and most ...
Dick Button was more than the most accomplished men's figure skater in history. He was one of his sport's greatest innovators and promoters. Button, winner of two Olympic gold medals and five ...