Whether it be through medical procedures or emotional stress, we've all experienced pain at some point in our lives. However, ...
Life with chronic pain is a tough road and affects millions worldwide. Chronic discomfort can interfere with every activity ...
Pain has plagued us since the beginning of humankind, its origins explored in frustrated fits and starts by philosophers and doctors attempting to understand and mitigate it. From his Lyceum in ...
The lesson is learned. Physical injury can cause emotional pain, but in humans, most emotional pain is not generated from physical injury but from social injury. Most of our emotional pain arises ...
Self-harmers resort to extreme measures to manage emotional pain by deliberately causing injury to themselves. However, beneath the physical scars lives a frightened, discouraged, and often ...
As a woman, what kind of stress might make me ill? is the kind of situation that creates emotional pain that doesn't seem to be resolvable. And I have many patients who come in and talk to me ...
When does emotional pain become unbearable? Suicide, some observers believe, is less an attempt to end one’s own life than to escape the mental pain of endless negative thoughts, reliving life ...
However, scientists have only just started to look into how meditation might reduce the emotional impact of pain.” The study, to be published in the journal Pain, found that particular areas of the ...