Even if you went to a school that taught sex education, odds are you spent more time rolling a condom onto a banana, getting your fear mongered, and looking at pictures of blue waffles ...
"We have worked very hard to balance security with the freedom to enjoy yourself in public spaces," Landry said Wednesday during a press conference. The enhanced security zone in the French ...
FOMO is such a Millennial term, and Gen Z cottoned on pretty quickly that pretending to enjoy yourself in dingy nightclubs or restaurants with big light bulbs and mason jars just… isn't fun.
We they have worked hard to balance security with the freedom to enjoy yourself in public spaces, so let me explain how this works. If an officer at the enhanced security checkpoint in the quarter ...
The boys break down the week that was MAJ and get into another Seth Rollins argument. Plus mail!
As a man in my thirties, I’ve never liked the idea of stalling or withholding fun in the present day to only enjoy yourself in the future. If life is to be lived today an element of risk is ...