Unlike during the previous debt crisis, eurozone banks are better capitalised and more profitable, providing a buffer against potential sovereign and corporate credit shocks. However, the ...
Eurozone policymakers are struggling simultaneously ... which had been created in 2010 to address the sovereign debt crisis. The problem with this rubric is that neither national governments ...
The European sovereign-debt crisis exposed serious flaws and inconsistencies in the design of the eurozone financial system. National banks in Europe had portfolios of assets that were heavily ...
By announcing the Transmission Protection Instrument (TPI) in July, the ECB has temporarily curbed the risks of a new sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone. Rising government deficits as a result ...
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments in emerging market economies (EMEs) ratcheted up their spending and borrowing, leading to the sharp increases in debt shown in Figure 1..
During the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis in 2009-12, Germany was pivotal in setting up various stability funds to bail out debtor countries. It took a leadership role in the implementation of the ...
Rising global borrowing costs show that investors “are already pricing in” the economic impact of Trump’s policies.
Japanese investors have been selling Eurozone government debt at the fastest pace in more than a decade, with analysts warning that the move by one of the bloc’s cornerstone bondholders could lead to ...