A multi-dimensional mathematical theory applied to texts belonging to the classical Greek Literature spanning eight centuries ...
Training should not just be about presenting material. Trainers need to anticipate where people can get confused and then skillfully introduce contrast sets to foster expertise.
Hence, researchers often simulate the brain as a network of coupled neural masses, each described by a mean-field model. These models capture the essential features of neuronal populations while ...
Perhaps the most egregious example of “perceptual virtuality” in Israel involves PM Netanyahu himself. Throughout his various terms in office, he has claimed for himself the mantle of Mr ...
Tens of minutes of training can significantly improve visual discriminability of human adults, and this fast perceptual learning (PL) effect is usually specific to the trained location, with little ...
"We’re pretty close to an election and the prime minister has made a call to promote three quality women and this sets as an example for Australia,” Mr Thistlethwaite told Sky News Australia.
Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered a European champion in the habit of regular hand washing, which is worth noting at a time when the region is on the verge of the peak of the flu season, and ...