Scammers might be criminal scum, but you can’t deny that they’re always trying to innovate. With automation and generative ...
The text may have urgent language or appear from a legitimate source. That's by design, and it could be to your detriment.
Malicious SMS campaign in the US takes advantage of Elon Musk's image to sell a worthless device that saves money on ...
Hackers have set up over 10,000 fake websites to keep smishing scams going and target both iPhone and Android users with ...
A new wave of Good To Go! scam texts is hitting Washington drivers, with more realistic URLs this time. Here’s what WSDOT ...
DGT will now sent express delivery via phone messages of driving fines to our phones. However, the scammers are one step ...
The FBI is warning people about the latest phone scam and giving advice on how to tell it's fake. It's another day, and ...
Scammers are sending fake texts about unpaid NC Quick Pass tolls to North Carolina residents. These messages contain links ...
The FBI is warning cell phone users about an increased "smishing" scam. The text message claim the users they owe road toll ...
US smishing scam claims that unpaid toll service fees are due SMS messages include a bogus link to make an online payment ...