After playing Final Fantasy 6, I'm struggling to understand why Magic: The Gathering made this mechanical decision for ...
Final Fantasy is one of the most popular JRPG series that needs no introduction. The franchise focuses on quality single-player experiences with epic stories and memorable characters. The high ...
As one of the biggest RPG franchises in the world, Final Fantasy has a boatload of titles under its belt. Starting in 1987 with the original Final Fantasy on the NES, the franchise has simply ...
I recently had the opportunity to play a few early access titles and each one impressed me so here are my thoughts. I hope you enjoy! │ For your benefit, Video Chums doesn't indiscriminately ...
It's been a little while but we now have a new delightful sim and Two Point Museum is spectacular stuff that'll make you want to stick around. │ One of Video Chums' core principles is "it's ...
Today, we'll do exactly that, and give you a very clear idea of what each Esper is capable of. At the end of the list, we'll talk about something arguably more important - how each Esper can be ...