New research suggests that wearing continuous glucose monitors could lower the risk of dementia. Experts discuss how symptoms can overlap between diabetes and dementia.
Beyond blood pressure, Roblyer’s team is exploring how light can help track cancer treatment. In collaboration with Dr. Naomi ...
With glucose monitors, students with Type 1 diabetes no longer have to visit the school nurse for a finger prick. But many ...
A visit to resistance-held Karen State reveals the impact of four years of war, and the determination of ordinary citizens to ...
Advances in technology have made it increasingly easier for people to self-monitor their heart health, whether it's via a smart device on their wrist or finger or a blood pressure monitor.
Advances in technology have made it increasingly easier for people to self-monitor their heart health whether it's via a smart device on their wrist or finger or a blood pressure monitor.
finger heart monitors and automatic blood pressure cuffs. But few people are passing on that useful data to their doctor, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by the Ohio State University ...
You don’t need a finger stick or a doctor to tell you what one particular ... Some doctors are even using AI platforms to ...