Private security guards will soon work alongside Northern Territory correctional staff after the NT government signed a ...
His statement follows an alarm raised by the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) about potential job losses at G4S Kenya, citing an internal memo to employees indicating over 400 layoffs.
International Training Incorporated (ITI) has been in the security training business since 1989 and provides training on a global basis to thousands of students from both government and private ...
The NT Corrections Minister Gerard Maley said the procurement process that saw a prisons contract awarded to G4S was ...
Workers who deliver cash for a security firm will vote on strike action over pay. Cash workers working for G4S, which has a ...
G4S has won a tender to deliver extra NT prison staff, increasing the wedge between corrections management and union members warning of a slippery slope to fully privatised prisons. Legislation ...
"I haven't looked into G4S personally … but I'm very confident that Corrections have done a robust process and selected someone that can do the job in the Northern Territory," he said on Monday.