Looking to complete Going Goblin Mode quickly in World of Warcraft? Here's a complete guide to the achievement, including ...
fans can pick up a dozen transmog items from this hidden World of Warcraft NPC. World of Warcraft: The War Within recently began Season 2 with Patch 11.1, Undermine(d). The Goblin-themed content ...
Powers: The goblin you talk to to customize your G-99 Breakneck. He’s my favorite NPC to talk to, because when we were playtesting over and over, I kept going back to him to tinker my ride ...
Sometimes you just want to listen to a bard tell a tall tale, sipping ale and people-watching into the late hours of the ...
It's got its share of jank—and you can ignore the silly microtransactions—but more than makes up for it with its phenomenal combat system, goofy NPC companions, and slapstick goblin fights.
The Pathfinder NPC Core book will enrich the way you handle NPCs in your game. Rules for relationships, new stat blocks, and ...
That said, if you really want to feed your inner goblin, TradeSkill Master is the ... and a skull will appear over the NPC so you can track it down. RareScanner also adds icons for everything ...