Google is working on a change to Android Quick Share that makes using the tools with QR codes even more streamlined.
While my opinion may not be popular, I think Google's QR code authentication is better than other 2FA methods.
Google launches QR code feature for Business Profiles, making it easier to send customers directly to the review page.
You can share the QR code with your customers in your marketing materials or hang it in your store to help them leave you a ...
You'll soon see a big change in the way your Gmail account is secured, and how your two-factor authenticated logins are ...
Google Wallet's custom passes got a big upgrade last summer, and they've recently become a feature I can't live without.
A teenage boy accepted an Instagram follow request from what seemed to be a girl’s account, despite suspecting it might be ...
But Google had QR codes since 2009, I embedded a video of how slow it was to scan a QR code back then. Then in 2010, Google let you print your own QR code and then 2011 Google removed it.
The change will roll out in the coming months and help reduce fraud and spam while improving security.
The search-and-ads giant introduced SMS distribution of one-time passcodes for authentication for Gmail in February 2011, and in 2018 fewer than 10 percent of users employed it. Google later required ...