Stakes at the ready! Nosferatu swoops onto its exclusive streaming home on Peacock in the US on Friday, February 21. A Peacock subscription starts from $7.99 a month. You can also choose to skip the ...
A truckload of rats was just the beginning for Oscar-nominated production designer Craig Lathrop's decaying world.
Some teens just love to be scared. Check out these hand-picked movies for some jump-out-of-your-seat moments that steer (mostly) clear of gore. Some of these top-rated titles are more mature than ...
T here is a long history of turning old folk tales into beautiful horror films. The fantastical vibes of these fairytales are ...
The number one horror game for me right now has to be the Resident Evil 4 Remake. Let’s admit it. Remakes are hard. There’s way too much pressure on you to make an already near-perfect game better.
What it’s about: A group of horror lovers start a business constructing elaborate scenarios of a bizarre and terrifying degree for their clients. Why it is one of the best horror TV shows on Max ...
Isn’t the world scary enough nowadays? Of course not! Everyone needs a good break from reality now and then, and horror can be the best way to do that. And Hulu has a remarkably deep catalog of ...
From legit classics in the Criterion section through the hits of the ’80s and ’90s to today’s theatrical blockbusters, Max knows a thing or two about horror. Its selection is so rich that we ...
Diving headfirst into the horror library of Tubi is a dizzying, potentially nauseating experience, not just for the gory horror films you’ll find there, but for the sheer haphazardness of the ...
If you’re a horror geek, then surely you’re at least aware of the existence of Shudder at this point. The genre-focused service helped to prove the viability of niche streaming when it ...
Getting scared is one of the primary emotions of the human experience. The horror, the thrill, the shock- all of them combine to give us an organic sense of dread that is not prone to our likeness, ...