A new study published in Scientific Reports simulates particle creation in an expanding universe using IBM quantum computers, ...
By observing tiny ripples in spacetime called "gravitational waves" that propagate away from colliding black holes, ...
Dark energy is still a mystery, but powerful new telescopes are set to uncover clues. With NASA and ESA leading the charge, ...
From unifying quantum physics and gravity to working out what is dark matter, the universe has some deep questions that ...
Scientists uncover secrets of black holes using quantum computing and machine learning, revealing new insights into space, ...
Supermassive black holes are seen as sources of wanton cosmic destruction, but there may be more to their powerful influence ...
Featuring the world’s largest digital camera, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will capture these mysterious phenomena in more ...
The research suggests that the universe has become “messier and more complicated” over time, with a less clumpy distribution of matter.
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
All these unanswered questions mean that we are very primitive when compared to Jesus, if, as it says in the Bible, Jesus is ...
Since then, Jesus has not wept again despite humanity’s continuing misbehaviour since He left. Jesus has not wept since ...
The data from two different astronomical surveys has helped researchers build a “cosmic CT scan” of the evolution of the […] ...