Traditional cooling systems for buildings use refrigerants and electricity, which contribute to the atmospheric greenhouse ...
Reductions in air pollution have helped warm the planet by cutting down on reflective particles in the atmosphere – but researchers still disagree on the size of this effect ...
French carrier Amelia is expanding a trial of contrail-avoidance technology from partners Thales and Breakthrough Energy ...
Improved computer models shed light on how reducing sulphur emissions will inadvertently release methane from wetlands.
The advice stems from the results of a 23-year tillage system study in Co Carlow revealed at the recent Teagasc National ...
A Scottish court ruled that the UK government’s approval of Equinor’s Rosebank and Shell’s Jackdaw oil and gas projects was ...
Solar geoengineering, if weaponised, has the potential to deepen global inequality and escalate conflicts worldwide.
I conclude it’s neither. Unless some miraculous new carbon-free energy technology emerges over the next 20 years, any net ...
A field study found floating solar panels increase greenhouse gas emissions from small ponds by 27%, reducing oxygen levels ...