Split ends, dandruff, or hair loss are all problems that make people focus more on their hair, but what about your scalp? An unhealthy scalp can lead to noticeable signs such as bumps on scalp.
It presents as bumps or a rash on your skin anywhere hair grows, including the scalp, torso, arms, and legs. Folliculitis is a common skin condition commonly triggered by: bacterial or fungal ...
While scalp acne might just seem like an inconvenient condition to manage, it could be key to preventing future hair loss. “If untreated or neglected, grossly manifested or subclinical inflammation ...
Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. Proper scalp care involves balanced washing, gentle products, and regular exfoliation. Nutrients, hydration, and stress management also play crucial roles.
Dry scalp will be cured, and the problem of itching will also go away. Apply curd: Use curd to get rid of itching caused by dandruff or any infection in the hair. Massaging curd on the scalp ...
other signs of traction alopecia include thinning hair, scalp pain, and follicular cysts or small bumps on the scalp. In mild ...
Aloe vera gel is considered best for hair and skin. Aloe vera gel contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B12, fatty acids, and amino acids. Applying aloe vera gel to the scalp improves blood ...