The BNP has dissolved the central committee of the Doctors Association of Bangladesh (DAB), the physicians' body of the party ...
Kenyataan Ketua Dewan Ulama Pas Pusat, Datuk Harun Taib dipersoalkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) hari ini mengulangi pendirian mereka untuk melaksanakan ...
The Switzerland-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SBCCI) successfully convened its 13th Annual General Meeting ...
The group seeks to nullify their status as Muslims, and claims their parents were converted to Islam under pressure from ...
Sebanyak 1,147 surau di seluruh negeri ini menerima perkenan mendapat Mushaf Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin iaitu naskhah al-Quran ...
Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan, Datuk Seri Aminuddin Harun, berkata tidak adil untuk menyalahkan MPPD semata-mata dalam isu ...
A man was killed and six other people, including four policemen, were injured in a road accident in Tangail’s Mirzapur early ...
Kuantan High Court judge Radzi Harun, who dismissed the applications ... there is a distinction between someone who wants to leave Islam and one who was never a Muslim. Radzi also ruled that ...
Umat Islam hari ini semakin hilang adab terhadap ulama kerana kurangnya penghayatan terhadap peranan mereka, kata ...
Travel ban imposition by courts on the Anti-Corruption Commission’s applications on dozens of former ministers and Awami ...
JENAMA terkenal dalam industri kecantikan, Dermalene berkolaborasi bersama pendakwah, Ustazah Asma’ Harun sebagai penasihat syariah rasmi ... rawatan kecantikan yang menepati nilai-nilai Islam kepada ...