To complete the study a historical display at a museum quest for week two of the Blast from the Past event, you need to find a painting or sculpture at a museum and select the “View” option on it.
The Historical Society has no paid staff and has only recently been able to share its collection of artifacts, according to ...
Our city of Vicksburg has one of the most unique and diverse histories in the South. Being on the river between New Orleans ...
Abstract Title: Briquilimab Potently Inhibits Stem Cell Factor (SCF)/c-Kit Signaling and Induces Mast Cell Apoptosis Poster Number: 541 Session Title: Novel Mechanisms of Mast Cells, Basophils and IgE ...
The Bluffton Ohio Historical Society will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12 at the Sportsmen's Club in Buckeye Park.
LGBTQ+ history wasn't recorded in the same ways other Knoxville history was, but the stories of East Tennessee's queer ...
A highlight of Black History Month at Bowdoin is always the Ebony Ball, which falls on February 22 this year. The student ...
Bills requiring public schools in South Dakota to display and teach the Ten Commandments and to post the words “Under God, the People Rule” in every classroom were endorsed by a legislative committee ...
To keep my fingers on the pulse of the area, I spend a good deal of my time reading newsletters, following social media feeds, and listening and talking with people.  It was with great interest I ...
The poster titled “ Preclinical and Translational Pharmacokinetics of GD2-SADA, a Self-Assembling and Disassembling (SADA) Bispecific Fusion Protein for Pretargeted Radioimmunotherapy (PRIT)” ...
On this episode of the Hays Post Podcast, Becky Kiser talks with Ellis County Historical Society Executive Director Amanda Rupp about the upcoming annual meeting, which is open to the public.
WATERLOO — Local historian Reed Craft will share insights into the early years of the Waterloo School District during the Cedar Valley Historical Society’s 7 p.m. Jan. 28 meeting at the ...