In an inspiring move to improve education in South Africa’s rural areas, the “Travelling Classroom” is taking learning on the ...
Kymyona Burk with ExcelinEd singles out South Carolina, Alabama and Indiana for making progress teaching students to read and ...
Students can also create tests. They can use artificial intelligence for this. If the notes are handwritten, they type them ...
Being an educational model driven by data, district leaders will have a better view of the program’s success as it moves ...
From metaphors for elementary kids to mindset shifts and graphic organizers for teens, here are teacher-tested tips for ...
New required reading "screeners" help districts understand where students struggle. In GBAPS, nearly half score low enough to put them "at risk." ...
February is officially HEART month - H appy, E ngaged A nd R eading T ogether! Check out these five fabulous ways to spread ...
Kenwood Elementary School kindergarten teacher Annette Teet inspires and encourages her students every day to develop a love ...
Despite increased spending, California schools struggle to improve academic performance, with some exceptions.
We need better teacher training, the right materials, and engaging literacy-rich programs for schools, writes Angélica ...
The Learning Disabilities Association of Pennsylvania offers free tutoring for Pittsburgh’s underserved kids after the pandemic lowered reading scores.
Large format books also helped students who were learning English, had reading comprehension challenges, were easily ...