A IX. kerület polgármestere elmondta, ő biztosan jelen lesz a felvonuláson, és kifejezte az a kívánságát, hogy az összes városvezető együtt vonuljon fel a pride-on. Napirend előtti felszólalásában ...
Turning point in the case of the Japanese mother who died in the apartment fire in the district V – with this text the Budapest Police Headquarters ... He also claimed that he did not live in Hungary ...
It looks like you're using an old browser. To access all of the content on Yr, we recommend that you update your browser. It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access all the ...
Budapest Pride should be held in a "closed venue" this year rather than processing along an avenue in central Budapest as ...
On a recent winter morning in Fót, on the outskirts of Budapest, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán ... and NBCUniversal’s ...
Photos donated to a Hungarian archive reveal the devastating aftermath of the siege of Budapest, which ended 80 years ago.
Nevet változtatott a közpénzégetés állatorvosi lova, a Fudan Alapítvány, amely új célokat tűzött ki, részben új vezetői gárdával – a jelek szerint az új műsorhoz új férfi kell. Közben a kínai egyetem ...
Load Map What is the travel distance between Budapest, Hungary and Delhi, India? How many miles is it from Delhi to Budapest. 3331 miles / 5360.72 km is the flight distance between these two places.
The Polish Institute is displaying an exhibit of photos of paintings by one of the most famous painters in the history of art – Tamara Lempicka – in the Hungarian capital, Budapest.