As COVID-19 surged across the US starting in 2020, so too did the use of repurposed medications such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to treat COVID-19 infections. Use of these medications ...
The interdependence of multiple traits allows plants to perform multiple functions. Acquiring an accurate representation of the interdependence of plant traits could advance our understanding of the ...
In an era dominated by tech giants worth trillions of dollars, no European firm started from scratch in the past 50 years is today valued at more than a mere hundred billion (Spotify, a music ...
A presidential inauguration is traditionally a symbol of the traditions that bind Americans together. Mainstream media coverage of the event on Monday provided many reminders of what keeps people ...
Using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers at Princeton University and IIT Madras demonstrated an “inverse design” method, where you start from the desired properties and then make the ...
The first axis (Coordinate 1) explains 54.9% of the total variation and the second axis (Coordinate 2) explains 21.3% of the total variation. KY and BC designed the research. JL, WH, GW, HS, XH, ZQ, ...