American pop band the Jonas Brothers have thanked their fans ... They are known for the songs Waffle House, SOS, Play My Music, and Sucker.
2025 will be a year of music: New Jonas Brothers music. Solo music. A live concert album. A soundtrack.” “Here’s to the next 20 years, and here’s to doing it together,” it ended.
The Jonas Brothers will hold a special fan event called JONASCON at American Dream in New Jersey on March 23. JONASCON will feature live performances, DJ sets, Q&A panels, fan activations, pop-up ...
The Jonas Brothers have teased their 20th anniversary plans after sparking split fears among fans with a lengthy Instagram letter.
The Jonas Brothers announced on Thursday, March 6 they'll play twice during the upcoming JonasCon at American Dream.
More than 15 years starring in the Camp Rock films, Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas are back at Disney this holiday season. Joe, Nick and Kevin Jonas are going back to their Disney roots ...
American pop band the Jonas Brothers have thanked ... at a local mall to play for anyone who would listen." They added that they "were chasing our dream to play music and connect with others ...