Steve Hely and Joseph Bennett’s animated comedy follows a man who finds himself targeted by the feds and corporate America alike after he discovers a curative fungus in Peru.
Drowning is a leading cause of death for American children. Helping change that statistic is the focus of a program at the ...
Have you ever wondered where you heard that voice from? You’re not alone, as the animation industry is filled with surprising celebrity voice actors in films and TV. While American animated movies are ...
From the late 1990s and all through the early 21st century, TV saw a meteoric rise in animated shows aimed at adults.
In Kodiak, where cold waters and unpredictable weather pose constant dangers, a groundbreaking local program is teaching ...
Winter founded the Ink Well Kids Foundation in 2005 and now runs events in the New York metro area and Los Angeles, ...
The new show from Adult Swim is a truly gripping and wonderfully made conspiracy thriller with humor and great characters.
Coast to Coast set a precedent for other adult cartoons to follow. It put Atlanta on the map as a quirky treasure trove of warped creative minds. “People discovered that there was a certain flavor and ...
Led by a pair of new head coaches, the Bryan and Consol swimming & diving teams are hoping to start the postseason off strong ...
Watching TV is probably one of the most common hobbies people have. There’s a good reason for it – since it’s said that we’re ...
While the best players in the world have descended upon Melbourne for the major, their 'cartoon characters' have also returned to our screens. Like last year, fans have the option of watching ...