Preheat the oven to 390F (200C). Bake the sesame rings for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Transfer to a cooling rack and be sure to eat at least one koulouri (one koulouri, many koulouria) while ...
Make Babette Kourelos's old-fashioned cottage loaf with spelt, koulouria and epi baguette You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. Our cookbook of ...
koulouria and epi baguette You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. Make Amina Al-Saigh's lentil soup, one-pot chicken and saffron orzo ...
potato chips made from Cyprus’ famous potatoes, “paskies” (mini meat pies), “tiropites” (mini cheese pies), and “koulouria,” which are sweet, well spiced biscuits.
If you're craving something sweet, grab some Koulouria, a traditional pastry with a hint of vanilla, which is usually eaten around Easter. The festivities normally span from 10 am until 11 pm on the ...