Knoxville Utilities Board is now offering high-speed fiber internet to customers in Union County. For some rural customers, KUB Fiber is the first internet provider to offer high-speed fiber ...
Bill served in the United States Marines for 6 years. He retired from Knoxville Utilities Board. Bill was preceded in death by his wife, Betty Jean (Denton) Stipes; parents, William and Hazel ...
Food City presented a check to Project Help Monday, passing on thousands of dollars in donations to the group.
Vim rau qhov tau muaj cov kev sib tua thiab siv kev kub ntxhov kom tau nyiaj thiab tej ... tsis pom zoo nrog tsab cai Territory Coordinator Bill no. Adam Bandt uas yog tus coj pab nom Greens ...
Jacinta Allan uas yog tus hau xeev Victoria tau qhia tias ntshe nws lwm cov nom yuav tsis tau mus tsev txog rau thaum tsim tau tsab cai Bail Bill siv tso ... vim yuav xub kub siab kom tej zejzog ...
If you are interested in learning how to reduce and manage your utility bill, attend the latest “Savings in the ... simple ways to reduce their utility bills and learn more about KUB’s Advanced ...
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – With cooler temperatures on the way, KUB customers can expect to see their utility usage increase, as heating is the biggest energy user throughout the year. To alleviate some of ...