Lush primeval works by Josh Cabello and deeply psychological paintings by Ross Collado were standouts at The Other Art Fair.
Art galleries and museums are around almost every corner in L.A. Here are 10 of the best venues to engage with Latino art spaces.
Jose Maria Cabral (‘Woodpeckers’) ventures into docu filmmaking again with his bracing portrait of Santo Domingo’s titular ...
Smorgasburg Los Angeles: The Sunday outdoor food and drink market celebrates “Festa della donna – Women’s Day,” 10 a.m.-4 p.m ...
A statue of explorers Burke and Wills will not return to its prime location in Melbourne’s City Square and will instead move ...
ReflectSpace gallery in LA presents "Embracing Diasporic Art," featuring portraits from Joan Agajanian Quinn's collection.
The rabid gang of teens only stopped beating on the defenseless man after “witnesses approached to intervene,” police shared.
Whether you want to find a signature fragrance or learn how to craft your own perfume, these aromatic L.A. places will have ...
It’s almost time for the Southern California Museums “Free-For-All” day, when people can visit a host of museums for free.
The historic building B’nai Zion temple in downtown Shreveport is set to be repaired and revived thanks to Sanctuary Art ...
The Sixth Street Viaduct was a glowing landmark in Los Angeles … until thieves stole the copper wire for the lights.
As Los Angeles looks to recover from historic wildfires, previously unsheltered and chronically homeless people are facing ...