Tunas kelapa adalah lambang resmi Pramuka Indonesia ... diteruskan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX kepada barisan defile yang terdiri dari para Pramuka di Jakarta, lalu dibawa berkeliling kota. Tanggal ...
Untuk memantau banjir di Jakarta, tersedia beberapa website dan aplikasi yang memberikan informasi secara real-time. Berikut adalah cara dan sumber yang bisa digunakan: Website yang up to date ini ...
The acting high commissioner of Sri Lanka in New Delhi was summoned to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and a strong protest was lodged with the top diplomat. “An incident of firing by the Sri ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Jakarta mencatat, sekitar 22 ruas jalan di Jakarta terendam banjir hingga Rabu (29/1/2025) pagi. “Banjir melanda Jakarta sejak semalam, ...
Suara.com - Sebanyak 13 ruas jalan dan 7 RT tergenang banjir akibat hujan deras di sejumlah wilayah Jakarta. Berdasakan catatan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) DKI, hingga pukul 22.00 WIB, ...
One of those was transforming her bedroom door into an apartment entryway, a project Melissa went viral for sharing on TikTok. "Her door was just another bitty milestone we celebrated. She won't ...
Tahun Baru China (Imlek) 2025 jatuh pada Rabu, 29 Januari 2025. Dalam tradisi Tionghoa, pergantian tahun ini selalu dikaitkan dengan shio yang membawa makna tertentu. Orang sering mengaitkan shio ...
Ilustrasi kuplet atau duilian tanda merah yang dipasang di sekitar pintu dengan huruf Tionghoa. Kuplet merupakan dua baris puisi yang dipasangkan bersama-sama yang melambangkan keberuntungan dan ...
But tell that to renters who live here. The Philadelphia metropolitan area is one of the least affordable in the country for its apartment renters based on their incomes, according to a report by the ...
By D.W. Gibson One of Tarajia Morrell’s earliest childhood memories is walking through her family’s apartment with a plate of food in one hand and ironed napkins in the other. “From the ...
Today, those masculine trends have risen to a whole new level. Meet the “boy apartment,” a thoughtfully designed, personalized home that oozes style and quiet luxury. The era of the lonely ...
A gritty effort from boxer Mea Motu was not enough for her to become New Zealand's first ever unified world champion. She lost her bantamweight title fight in Nottingham on Sunday morning (NZ time) to ...