For bonding the radar housing, the task is simple: seal the housing and all of its contents, including the PCB and antenna, to the radome. Silicones are the most widely used materials for this.
[mircemk] shows how to create a simple non-contact proximity sensor using little more than an Arduino Nano board, and a convenient software library intended to measure the value of capacitors.
STMicroelectronics has introduced the STEVAL-MKI109D a MEMS sensor evaluation board, designed to test and optimize STMicro’s MEMS sensors for various applications, including industrial automation, ...
At the end of a revolution, it triggers a hall sensor which resets the circuit. The best thing about this design? It’s been in service for ten years. [Larry’s] original video is a big contrast ...
Humidity sensors are essential to regulating many indoor and industrial environments. Fang Liu, Jin Hon, and colleagues develop a humidity sensor using graphene oxide quantum dots (GOQDs ...
Light No Fire is the new project from No Man's Sky developer Hello Games. And this time, we are getting a fantasy outing instead of a sci-fi adventure. So far, the game promises to be about ...
This repository documents the creation of a 3x3x12 LED matrix that enables users to play a fully functional 3D Tetris game. The project leverages an ESP32-based development board (ESPduino) with ...