In the anime world, One Piece characters have distinct personalities, skill sets, and backstories, creating a rich tapestry.
Although the Straw Hat training islands were meant to prepare them for One Piece's new world, some were too dangerous.
A mystery that "One Piece" fans obsess over is the identity of Luffy D. Monkey's mother. One of these theories just might ...
Luffy, Emily Rudd as Nami ... What adventures await our Straw Hat pirates? Percy Jackson and The Olympians - “Episode 108” (Disney/David Bukach) 6. Percy Jackson and the Olympians season ...
Throughout One Piece, the Straw Hats have demonstrated time and time again that they are a powerful unit. When together, it ...
Learn more about the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates, including their age, height, birthday, blood type, and more in ...
Since they weren't present initially, many fans have wondered how the Straw Hats would have changed Marineford in One Piece.
Luffy's Bento Panic is a fast-paced game that would make a fine addition to any party where the guests like anime.
Each of the Straw Hats in One Piece have faced death and trauma and here are the 10 deaths that shook the fandom and the ...