By the end of 2023, we were able to increase it to N25.8 billion. However, as of the close of business last year, we recorded N31.14 billion in revenue. “This is the first time Plateau State ...
The chairman, Plateau State Internal Revenue Service (PSIRS), Dr. Jim Pam Wayas, said the state raked in N31.14 billion in 2024, the first in the history of the state. Pam said this is in contrast ...
It later moved from N8.8 billion to about N25.8bn, and at the close of business last year, the revenue grew to N31.4 billion. And that was the first time Plateau state would achieve N30bn thresh ...
He is also said to be unable to account for N700 billion. Investigations reportedly revealed N31 billion withdrawn in cash from an account titled ‘Office of the Governor’ between 2019 and 2023.
Republic with N31.56 billion altogether representing 94.33 per cent of total export to ECOWAS countries. “In the same vein, Nigeria’s major trading import partner within ECOWAS was Ivory Coast ...
Ástralskur útvarpsmaður hefur verið látinn taka pokann sinn eftir að hann lét óviðeigandi og ósæmileg ummæli falla í útvarpsþætti um ástralska kvennalandsliðið í knattspyrnu. Maðurinn, Marty Sheargold ...
Newcastle vann mikilvægan útsigur á West Ham, 1:0, í ensku úrvalsdeild karla í knattspyrnu í Lundúnum í kvöld. Eftir leik er Newcastle með 47 stig í sjötta sæti deildarinnar en West Ham er í 16. sæti ...
Profits from core operations reached N42.9 billion, compared to N31.1 billion the year before. Finance income also grew by 9.52%, hitting N8.5 billion, mainly due to interest on bank deposits, which ...
The Plateau State Internal Revenue Service (PSIRS) has announced a revenue growth trajectory, with a significant increase from N15.9 billion in 2023 to N31.14 billion in 2024. Pam Wayas, Chairman of ...
The rise in finance costs was driven by: Increased borrowing: Total debt rose 60.19% YoY to N31.057 billion. Higher interest expenses: Interest costs surged by 109% to N4.903 billion, leading to a ...
Chief executives at some of Australia’s biggest businesses have welcomed the latest pay gap data, but said much of the gap is due to challenges with the talent pipeline.