Shrimp, in addition to being a tasty addition to many cuisines around the world, is sometimes used as an insult to call a person small or short. But did you know there are over 2,000 species of shrimp ...
New data on Brazilian cave fauna are added to previous surveys and the relative abundance and distribution of the cavernicolous taxa is discussed. Os trabalhos de campo contaram com o valioso auxílio ...
The outbreak of diseases ordinarily results from the disruption of the balance and harmony between hosts and pathogens. Devoid of adaptive immunity, shrimp rely largely on the innate immune system to ...
Figure 1. The benefits of probiotics in fish health. This review aims to explore the protective effects of probiotics and paraprobiotics in fish, outline some of the main functions performed by these ...
The Seafood Handbook is the most comprehensive seafood directory available online. Featuring more than 100 of the most common seafood species in the U.S. market, the Seafood Handbook is the ultimate ...
In January of 2017, little did I know that a chance meeting in the Venetian in Las Vegas would eventually lead to the creation of Japan’s most influential and well-attended […] Research guides to ...
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