Explore the Hibiscus satellite, a cutting-edge thermal imaging satellite designed for affordable, high-resolution hear ...
Astronomers used an array of telescopes to find the most massive radio jet in the early universe. The celestial object is ...
Astronomers have used a continent-sized radio telescope to find the largest black hole jet ever observed in the early ...
Scientists have discovered a cosmic "ghost particle," which could be the most energetic neutrino ever detected, according to ...
The international KM3NeT collaboration, with the participation of the University of Granada, publishes the detection of a ...
Scientists have discovered a "ghost particle" with the highest energy ever found on Earth. The researchers do not know where ...
Weak gravitational lensing tests if the universe is truly isotropic Euclid Telescope data may reveal deviations in cosmic expansion Findings could reshape cosmology by challenging core assumptions ...
Scientists have discovered the largest known structure in the universe, a massive superstructure named Quipu. This enormous cosmic formation weighs an astonishing 200 quadrillion times the mass of the ...
TNO, in collaboration with KM3NeT, has detected the universe's most energetic neutrino at 220 PeV using a deep sea telescope.
High-energy particles rain down on Earth constantly, but scientists have now detected a doozy: a neutrino blasting in from ...
Astronomers have discovered a massive, double-lobed radio jet stretching 200,000 light-years from a quasar that existed when ...