Rubber tree plants (Ficus elastica) come from the fig or mulberry family (Moraceae). These evergreen trees are native to tropical regions of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeastern Asia.
With their large, lobed leaves and slender, woody branches, common figs (Ficus carica) have lots of ornamental appeal, but they’re mostly grown for their edible fruit, which turns purple ...
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) from plants is a very common phenomenon as potentially irritant plants and plant products are commonly found in the everyday environment, including the home ...
The many thousands of plant species and their numerous chemical products make the study of CICD from plants appear daunting. The vast majority of CICD reactions, however, are caused by one of ...
The local communities in Pakistan's remote mountainous regions possess a unique and rich treasure trove of ethnoveterinary knowledge regarding an indigenous medicinal plant that has been passed down ...
The increasing of multidrug resistance in bacterial associated infections has impaired the current antimicrobial therapy and it forces the search for other alternatives. In this study, we aimed to ...