The mouth of a coral polyp (center): Symbiotic algae are labeled in red, pathogenic bacteria that enter through this region are labeled in blue. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not ...
Time-lapse video shows how a mushroom coral polyp pulses and inflates, flinging its soft body into micro-hops to slowly move itself to a new location.
Indeed, if you take an india rubber bag, and place a number of strings around its mouth, you have a very good typical polyp. The polypi are not all microscopic, but some attain the size of the ...
The frequency of polyp diagnoses in close relatives was strongly associated with colorectal cancer risk. Polyp history in second-degree relatives was only influential with multiple polyp diagnoses.
Each polyp has a mouth surrounded by tentacles, usually arranged with six-fold symmetry. The polyps produce a hard outer skeleton made of calcium carbonate, each laying down a hexagon-shaped ...