Carriers, the long-forgotten horror film starring Chris Pine, is now available to stream on Netflix. The 2009 film follows four individuals – played by Pine, Lou Taylor Pucci, Piper Perabo and Emily ...
While crime movies have always been an attraction in Hollywood, heist movies began to feel like its own thing with the ...
It's not an overstatement to say that superhero films have become the driving force in Hollywood for well over two decades.
In the mid-1990s, a cartoon in the New Yorker depicted a woman in a bookshop asking, “What can you recommend that’s not by Michael Crichton?” ...
A freeze is coming to Gotham with the new Batman & Robin Gold Label black light Mr. Freeze figure from McFarlane Toys.
Dave Bautista uses a two-headed snake as a long-range weapon in the first trailer for his new movie, In the Lost Lands, a ...
You should definitely cast your vote for this political thriller.