Squatters have taken over another hotel in Spain, after last month it was reported that squatters had taken apartments at a ...
After undergoing a stunning makeover and refurbishment, the Westin Palace, Madrid is now The Palace, a Luxury Collection ...
The squatters are in the Neptuno II building of the resort ahead of the planned opening for tourists this summer. Despite the lack of facilities, they are steadfast that they are not moving.
Kauno marių pakrantėje naujam gyvenimui atgaivinta Neptūno įlanka tampa reikšmingu vidaus vandenų laivybos centru. Per trejus ...
In a recent police operation in the Cayo Hueso neighborhood of Central Havana, authorities detained a man from Cienfuegos for allegedly selling ...
Juanjo Roig First thing this Monday morning a company which specialises in handling squatting problems surrounded the Neptuno II holiday apartment block on the Bellevue complex in Puerto Alcudia in ...
One of the squatters packed up and ready to leave. | M.A Cañellas/T. Ayuga Some of the squatters have today, Tuesday, begun leaving the Neptuno II building in the Bellevue holiday resort complex in ...
Prieš trejus metus Kauno marių pakrantėje prasidėjęs vadinamosios Neptūno įlankos gaivinimas davė apčiuopiamų rezultatų – čia iškilo ne tik uostas pramoginei laivybai, bet ir buriavimo bazė su visa ...
Pirmą kartą klubo istorijoje Karaliaus Mindaugo taurės (KMT) finalo ketverte dalyvaujantys „vilkai“ nesugebėjo įveikti pusfinalio barjero ir turės tenkintis mažuoju finalu. Italų specialisto ...
One of the great astronomical phenomena of the year is happening tonight, when seven planets will be visible in line from ...