The following is a summary of “Development and Validation of a Short Version (PAIC6) of the Pain Assessment in Impaired ...
A 2020 study revealed that cluster headaches are the most painful condition, with a pain score of 9.7 out of 10. Affecting ...
A reliable method to treat post-amputation pain remains elusive, but a new Northwestern Medicine study conducted in collaboration with Ukrainian physicians suggests that hydrodissection -- a simple ...
This “taking things too far” has understandably sparked some concern. While most participants keep it lighthearted, a few have dropped heavy televisions or weapons on their feet as part of the TikTok ...
New research shows people with narcissistic personality traits feel ostracized more often than their less self-absorbed peers ...
SCIENTISTS have ranked the worst types of pain people can experience – including childbirth, gunshot wounds and a slipped disk. Unsurprisingly, labour pains ranked pretty high in terms of ...
For the analysis, participants were asked to rate the intensity of pain they felt when suffering the problem on a scale of 0 to 10. Surprisingly, childbirth came in at only 7.2. Patients ...
Acute and chronic postoperative pain and functional disability persisted among patients who underwent posterior spinal fusion despite multimodal analgesic management.
A reliable method to treat post-amputation pain remains elusive, but a new Northwestern Medicine study conducted in ...
In the second world war, the physician Henry Beecher observed that some of his soldier patients, despite being injured on the battlefield, required no strong painkillers to manage their pain. In some ...