From Ghana to Namibia, recent appointments of women to top political positions is encouraging. But with more women in ...
Namibia is still grappling with a funding shortfall of about N$600 million to fully and timeously aid more than 1.26 million drought-stricken citizens from a looming hunger crisis, Deputy Prime ...
The usually sleepy town of Lüderitz is going through a major transformation to accommodate the promising and ambitious green hydrogen sector with over N$60 million worth of contracts awarded so far.
Critics of the minimum wage often highlight its potential impact on business bottom lines. Although local businesses may struggle to adapt to higher payroll costs initially, while foreign investors ...
Top among the resolutions was giving priority to a post-service medical scheme for legislators. The Parliamentary Pensions ...
With opposition leader Peter Dutton swinging his nuclear nunchuks there may be fresh brawling in coming months over the ...
We know it really matters how Hyphen delivers green hydrogen for Namibia. It is critical that we acknowledge and position our project in its overall context – balancing ...
Canada's Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica) has found indications of oil at its Naingopo onshore exploration well and ...
The clerk of the National Assembly said the large number of pending Bills was a worrying trend and reflected badly on the ...
The Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service has denied claims that the government paid N$11 million in rental fees for an unoccupied building.
A cordial province-region working collaboration in the areas of agriculture, health, education and sanitation is made possible by the recent signing of an agreement between the Khomas Regional Council ...