Pope Pius IX in 1854. Pius XII was instrumental in establishing the Feast of Mary's Queenship. The liturgical Feast of Christ the King honors the kingly dignity of Jesus Christ and was established in ...
Yet it has not always been this way. It was only with Pope Pius IX in the mid-19th century that the papacy would become so visible. He was the first to have his picture widely displayed in ...
Yet it has not always been this way. It was only with Pope Pius IX in the mid-19th century that the papacy would become so visible. He was the first to have his picture widely displayed in ...
It's also true that some covert exits were less than voluntary. "As recently as 1848, Pope Pius IX had to flee the Vatican disguised as a priest — a persistent urban legend says he was dressed ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
it trails Pope Pius II's reflections on the Renaissance in "The Commentaries" by several centuries. Still, it's fairly unusual for a modern pope to reveal his thoughts so directly. Here are five ...
That is not technically true. That honour belongs to Pope Pius II’s 15th-century chronicles, The Commentaries, a 13-book account of his life that is considered a seminal text in Renaissance ...
Even the new Holocaust Museum in New York unjustly criticized Pope Pius XII for being silent during World War II. The Church has recently spoken on this topic. The Israeli consul, Pinchas E.
(Bull of the Holy Office, 1613, referring to a privilege purportedly recorded in the bull, Sacratissimo ubi culmine, March 3, 1322, by Pope John XII, a bull no longer considered authentic-- See F.
In 1854, Pope Pius IX's solemn declaration, Ineffabilis Deus (link al documento que está en Marian documents), clarified with finality the long-held belief of the Church that Mary was conceived ...
When he became pope, Francis kept his relationships with rabbis and made his 2014 visit to the Holy Land a priority. Many welcomed his opening of the documents concerning Pope Pius XII’s ...