In the corticobasal syndrome, CT and MRI display asymmetric frontal ... of tau-positive cortical lesions in the precentral and angular gyrus, primarily affecting the deep cortical layers.
CT) This portion of the study draws attention to the volumetric ... persistently identified the gray matter of the middle temporal gyrus (MTG), and the precentral gyrus in the ET group, to be larger ...
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As detailed in the new paper, microelectrodes were implanted into his left precentral gyrus, the part of the brain that controls hand movement. The neurosurgeons asked the participant to watch the ...
CT divided over Trump transgender ban in girls, women’s sports. Sides took ‘an all-or-nothing position’ Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and ACLU of Connecticut respond to ...
From scenic drives through the countryside and sunbathing on the beach to fresh seafood and towns rich with history, the Constitution State has much to offer travelers. The word "Connecticut ...
This valuable study shows that a very slow (infraslow) oscillation occurs in voltage recordings from the dentate gyrus of the adult mouse. The authors suggest that it is related to sleep stage and ...
Researchers implanted the device in the left precentral gyrus, which controls hand movement, of a person with upper and lower extremity paralysis. The system recorded the participant’s virtual hand ...
MoCA scores positively correlated with clustering coefficient and nodal efficiency in the bilateral precentral gyrus in the T2DM group. Discussion: This study demonstrated significant abnormalities in ...