RGB backlit TVs are coming, and you're going to hear a lot about them in the next few years. They're the next big development in LCD TVs, and they take the technology used in the best mini-LED TVs ...
The brand’s 116-inch RGB LED TV, dubbed the UX Trichroma TV, uses a new kind of LED lighting system with the potential to shake up the market. The system can’t turn each tiny pixel on or off ...
Secara keseluruhan, lampu keyboard Lenovo menawarkan keseimbangan yang baik antara fungsionalitas, ketahanan, dan opsi kustomisasi, terutama di lini produk yang berbeda. Sementara beberapa merek ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT – Lampu LED motor kini semakin diminati oleh para pengendara karena keunggulannya dibandingkan jenis lampu lainnya, seperti lampu pijar atau neon. Selain menawarkan pencahayaan yang ...