The James Dyson Award, an international student design and engineering competition, is now open for submissions to its 2025 ...
Tasmanian salmon companies are insisting their products are safe to eat, while not directly answering questions about whether diseased fish are being sold for human consumption.
Casino, sports betting and entertainment operator PENN Entertainment (NASDAQ:PENN) will be reporting results tomorrow before the bell. Here’s what to look for. PENN Entertainment missed analysts ...
On Feb. 21, Penn told departments in the School of Arts and Sciences to institute cuts to graduate student admissions. Credit: Chenyao Liu Penn directed department chairs to significantly reduce ...
The Penn State wrestling juggernaut and coach Cael Sanderson are about to embark on another potential record-breaking postseason. A historic run, even. Leave it to Penn State athletic director Pat ...
I don't think there's any opportunity for lack of transparency." Oliver Jones, a chemistry professor at RMIT University, said the bacterium impacting salmon pens in Tasmania, Piscirickettsia ...
The Daily Pennsylvanian is a student-run nonprofit. Please support us by disabling your ad blocker on our site. Penn’s four undergraduate and 12 graduate schools have scrubbed references to diversity, ...
Yannick Thoraval, a creative writing teacher at RMIT University, told Daily Mail Australia the language as described was unnecessarily 'accusatory'. 'While I'm unfamiliar with the specific ...
She was the first Black woman to graduate from Penn's medical school in 1964 and recently shared how she made the most of her opportunities. There is a lot of laughter at tea time at the Simpson ...