A Seattle City Council committee approved the use of a limited number of so-called “less lethal” weapons by the Seattle Police Department, deployed primarily to control crowd movement during ...
Seattle Now is a smart, daily news podcast for a curious city, from KUOW and the NPR Network. New episodes every weekday morning and evening. Interim SPD Chief Sue Rahr ends her tenure ...
The Seattle City Council chose Mark Solomon, a crime prevention coordinator with the Seattle Police Department, to fill the open District 2 seat left earlier this year by Tammy Morales.
The family of a Seattle man is suing the city over a car accident that caused their son “catastrophic injuries,” alleging the road design where the accident occurred obstructs the view for ...
Bebop is one of several businesses in Seattle facing closure or financial strain as the city implements one of the nation's highest wage laws. The new policy eliminates tiered wages and tip ...