They will lessen the value, as a slave, of everyone upon whom the yoke of servitude rests. They will lessen the gulf which now for each one of them yawns between a chattel and a man. But ...
Movements favoring Greek independence manifested in several countries of Europe, while significant philhellenic centers were ...
The phrase appeared on thousands of pages unrelated to Jane Austen before and during her life – and was a favorite phrase of ...
He is not leader of the church but is a prophet on the level of Moses, as implied by Franklin Graham's invocation at Trump’s ...
Torah for Mental Health” includes chapters on reframing your challenges, the gift of altruism and realizing your spiritual potential. The rabbi weaves in Jewish stories to complement each piece.
"Patrick became inflamed with the desire to help alleviate the suffering of the Irish people who were burdened under the yoke of slavery, brutal tribal warfare and pagan idolatry. It was in the ...
Thirdly, we have many associated biblical warnings about the danger to everyone of possibly falling away or committing apostasy: “do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1 ...
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Finally, Paul stresses that Jewish and Gentile believers are one in Christ: Galatians 3:28 – “There is ...
Denis reckons he is a 16th cousin once removed of Ireland's patron saint, in this week's Lighten Up. Anyhow this week, as we ...
He exhorted the faithful to repudiate slavery “at once and forever” if ... cause the oppressed to go free; break any yoke, and prostrate the pride and prejudice that dare to lift themselves ...
The NPC observes: “The Anti-Slavery Record, an abolitionist publication ... And they were able to make an exact replica. The wooden yoke at the top of the tree came from wood from the last ...