If the infection is in the posterior ethmoids and sphenoid, symptoms are described as deep in the head or referred to the occiput. Acute sinusitis is also typically accompanied by systemic signs ...
The frontal sinuses show the most anatomic variation such as congenital absence or hypoplasia (Fig. 1). The sphenoid sinuses, located posteriorly, form last. Anatomy of Sinuses-Artist's Rendition.
These polyps are growths found in the sinus areas, including the maxillary, ethmoid, frontal, and sphenoid sinuses, although not all patients will have polyps in every sinus. According to Dr ...
It is well known that the region of the nasal sinuses—frontal sinuses, ethmoidal sinuses, sphenoidal sinus, and maxillary sinuses—is closely connected to the trigeminal nerve. The instillation ...