On January 7, the Supreme Court in Tehran also upheld the death sentences of Behrouz Ehsani Eslamlou and Mehdi Hasani, both held in Evin prison on charges of “armed rebellion against the state ...
Sementara itu, sang ibu Ummu Ashim (Laila) binti Ashim, adalah cucu Umar bin Khattab. Kakek Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Marwan bin al-Hakam adalah khalifah keempat dalam Dinasti Umayyah. Ketika Marwan ...
Here are some of my favorite prospects in the 2025 NFL draft. Abdul Carter is arguably the best player in the NFL draft. The only reason he’s not considered the best is because the other guy plays two ...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is one of the greatest players of all time. The Basketball Hall of Famer (and Los Angeles Lakers legend) retired after the 1989 season, so he doesn't get mentioned as much as ...
Salah satu kisah yang menarik perhatian adalah rutinitas ziarah Abuya ke makam Syekh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani di Baghdad setiap malam Jumat. Kisah ini diungkapkan dalam sebuah tayangan video di kanal ...
Bulan Rajab adalah bulan yang penuh rahmat, anugerah, dan kebaikan dari Allah SWT. Menurut Syekh Abdul Qodir Al Jailani dalam kitab al-Ghuniyah, Rajab terdiri dari tiga huruf, yaitu Ra', Jim, dan Ba'.
Ustaz Abdul Somad Jelaskan Amalan Anak Agar Orang Tuanya Masuk Surga-(foto: kolase/bengkuluekspress.disway.id)- BENGKULUEKSPRESS.COM-Ustaz Abdul Somad menjelaskan bahwa ada beberapa amalan yang dapat ...
In the NCAA college football semifinal, many were watching if Abdul Carter would suit up for Penn State against Notre Dame. A shoulder injury had him sidelined, but he makes such an impact ...
Letak sumur diketahui tak jauh dari makam ulama di zaman dulu bernama Syekh Abdul Wafa. Dimana Gereja Santo Yusup berada ... Syekh Yusuf bernama lengkap Syekh Yusuf Abul Mahasin Tajul Khalwati ...
No matter how fiercely Arab dictatorships tighten their grip, they cannot hold back the tides of revolution Abdul Rahman Yusuf al-Qaradawi was last seen publicly in Damascus in December (Social ...