The world’s first so-called ‘energy island’ under construction in the Princess Elisabeth zone, 45 kilometers from the Belgian coast, aims to serve as an energy hub to contribute to ...
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Talen Energy is asking a U.S. appeals court to weigh in on a decision by federal regulators last year to reject a power agreement for an Amazon data center connected directly to ...
Talen Energy (NASDAQ:TLN) is asking the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the decision by federal regulators to reject the company's power agreement for an Amazon data center connected ...
Shares of TLN opened at $204.42 on Monday. Talen Energy has a 12 month low of $64.51 and a 12 month high of $258.03. The company has a quick ratio of 3.37, a current ratio of 4.10 and a debt-to ...
Talen Energy Corporation ("Talen") (NASDAQ: TLN) announced today (Jan 27) that it, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. ("PJM"), and a broad coalition of the. . .
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Talen Energy is asking a U.S. appeals court to weigh in on a decision by federal regulators last year to reject a power agreement for an Amazon data center connected directly ...
Talen Energy (NASDAQ:TLN) said late Monday it reached a "reliability-must-run" settlement agreement with PJM Interconnection and other parties to extend operations of its Brandon Shores and H.A ...