A farmer who killed his three-year-old son when he reversed a defective vehicle into him has been jailed. Albie Speakman ...
Campaigners worried about plans for a giant windfarm proposed for Yorkshire village lobbied senior councillors.
However, controversial development allocations were adopted by PfE which took out chunks of the green belt in areas such as Elton reservoir, Walshaw and the Northern Gateway employment site ...
Current plans for Walshaw Moor are to erect 65 wind turbines across 12,352 hectares of the moorland in the Calder Valley – making it England’s largest onshore wind farm. However, concerns ...
CAMPAIGNERS opposing plans for a wind farm on moorland bordering Bronte country staged a stall at Haworth. Members of For Peat's Sake, part of a coalition of groups across the Worth Valley and ...