Washing your hands is a given if you want to avoid infection—but it's especially important after touching these top 10 ...
What is it? Well, according to recent surveys, more men than women are leaving the restroom without washing their hands. The bigger problem? No one—from women to men to doctors to food workers ...
Hand-washing takes less than half a minute, yet an estimated 97% of people do it wrong. That's a big problem since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that one of the most ...
We’re taught to wash our hands at a young age. It’s so important because not washing our hands is a way to pass germs to others or contract something we don’t necessarily want. This is why ...
Well, the obvious answer is to wash your hands. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, the sad fact is that many people don't. One-third of Americans admit that they don't wash up after using the bathroom.
Officials with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services say people can help stop the spread by washing ...
The norovirus isn’t killed by hand sanitizer — so make sure you wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. (Getty Creative) ...
Is everyone always telling to you to 'wash your hands!'? Well, soap is a super power against germs, so it is very important! When you wash your hands, sing along to this song to make sure they're nice ...